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Bankers as Trusted Advisors

Drive more sales, convert leads in less time, and keep your corporate clients happy with a customer-centric sales team

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The Course Necessary for Every Corporate Banker

Bankers as Trusted Advisors

Bankers as Trusted Advisors teaches your team a more empathetic, advisory approach to sales by building trust & rapport. Using the proven methods within this course, your sales team will transform into a group of trusted advisors - leading to smoother conversions in less time, more high-ticket sales, and satisfied clients that stay with your bank for longer and bolster your reputation within the industry.

What you will gain

Helping managers and their teams discover the benefits of solution-based sales

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    Boost client retention with a sales team that understands customer pain points and sells products accordingly

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    Move the needle and increase revenue with a more streamlined sales process that clients trust (smoother conversions in less time)


Lesson materials

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    Topic 1

    The importance of being a trusted advisor

    • Session 1: Banks and their clients
      • Introduction to course structure and participants
      • Common banking practice and approach
      • Client's organization structure and how it impacts banks
      • Banking needs from bank's and client's perspective
      • Bridging the information gap
    • Exercise 1: Gathering information
      • Reading materials
      • Case study of a successful win
      • Case study of failing to maintain a client
      • Open-ended questioning method
      • Simulation exercise 1: Distribution company
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    Topic 2

    Understanding Client's Business

    • Session 2: Life as a corporate treasurer
      • Life as a treasurer
      • Treasury challenges, priorities and goals
      • Companies' business process and cashflow cycle
      • Challenges in managing corporate finance
      • Mapping the bank's roles in each of the milestones in the cashflow cycle
      • Building relevance
    • Exercise 2: Guest speaker (senior finance / treasury professional from an established corporate)
      • Reading Materials
      • Case study of a successful win
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    Topic 3

    Solving Client Problems

    • Section 3: Identifying problems
      • Identifying which problems cause the most pain for the client
      • Quantifying how much a solution will be worth to a client
      • What are the important metrics and measurement for clients
      • Understanding client stakeholders interests (management, customers, shareholders, regulators etc)
    • Exercise 3: Role Play - The power of asking openended questions
      • Gathering information about the problems that really bothers / raises concerns for clients
      • Quantifying the problem's worth
      • Feedback and debrief
    • Session 4: Presenting the problems, potential solutions & quantifying impact
      • Impactful client presentations and superior relationship management
      • Bringing thought leadership to your clients
      • Benchmarking the client against their peers in the industry and other regions
    • Exercise 4: Client Presentation
      • Presenting to senior management in corporations
      • Discussing financial information with clients
      • Proposing potential solutions
      • Feedback and debrief
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    Topic 4

    Walking the talk as a trusted advisor

    • Session 5: Meeting client needs in all fronts
      • Negotiating with confidence and fairness
      • Accountability as a banker and trusted advisor
      • Maintaining and deepening a client relationship
      • Treating clients fairly and professionally
    • Exercise 5: Client Deal Negotiation
      • Conduct a final pitch to the client with a holistic solution that meets the client requirements
      • Negotiation simulation during a deal
      • Feedback and debrief


Leaders in the world of banking management

  • Armandi Oesman

    Armandi Oesman (Armand) is a career relationship banker with 15+ years experience across Europe, Middle East and Asia. Armand's speciality is mainly in corporate debt structuring and working capital advisory. He has originated and led over USD 2 billion of complex corporate debt transactions for in multiple jurisdictions spanning from local corporate to multinationals. His approach in deal-making is simple: know the industry well, speak using simple language that is easy for clients to understand and help your clients achieve their goals.

  • Syahrialdi Sikar

    Syahrialdi Sikar (Aldi) has extensive experience in managing client relationship and leading sales deals in his 13+ years experience with international banks. He has led multiple Request for Proposal during his time in Transaction Banking and worked directly with multinationals in various Asian countries as an RM team head for 3 different segments. Aldi has taken the role of Business Planning Manager for the CEO where he has involved in building bank-wide strategy and initiatives. The experience has provided him with the skill to manage challenging situations and wide range of stakeholders.


Why Our Participants Love Our Program

  • Narasumber memiliki wawasan luas dan experience yang cukup banyak, sesi roleplay sangat membantu melatih skill.

    Relationship Manager,
    Wholesale Banking, International Bank
  • Pelatihan dalam cara berpikir, cara mengolah informasi dan cara memberikan solusi yang lebih tepat beserta kuantifikasi kepada nasabah.

    Corporate Relationship Manager,
    State-Owned Bank
  • Focusing on practice - Narasumber yang dihadirkan adalah CFO yang telah menjalani hal tersebut dan dapat memberikan feedback yang objective dan bisa membangun.

    Senior Relationship Manager,
    Corporate Banking, State-Owned Bank
  • Mendapatkan cara membuka pendekatan bisnis dengan debitur korporasi tanpa mengintimidasi produk perbankan.

    Commercial Relationship Manager,
    International Bank


With limited spaces, we can only onboard a specified amount of teams. So if you're interested, please reach us today with the contact info below

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