Getting Students Ready to be Professionals with Mentoring Program

Politeknik LP3I Medan
Politeknik LP3I Medan

Produk yang digunakan:

Corporate Mentoring Program

The program helps LP3I Medan connect their alumni with students for further preparation to enter the workforce.

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LP3I is the largest vocational study provider with more than 10,000 students. Like any other educational institution, they find difficulty to reduce the gap between the working environment and classroom studies. They wanted to invite regular speakers to inspire and help their students.

Mentor Inc. has facilitated this mentoring program by connecting their alumni to share their experiences with students periodically. We also provide a simple dashboard that shows insights into the mentoring process to monitor the achievement and efficiency of the program.

This initial program has potential for expansion to accelerate people's development in preparing for future careers. Mentoring can connect those with experiences with those who lack.

To learn more, book your free consultation with us

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