How to Create an Appealing Short Bio
A short bio is a brief, informative biographical paragraph typically placed on the About page of your professional website, social media pages, and networking platforms such as LinkedIn. A good bio covers your work history, career achievements, and relevant professional information in an engaging manner. Having a well-crafted bio helps introduce you to the professional world. Whether you are finding a new job or expanding your career, the purpose of being prepared with a good bio is to capture the attention of potential employers in a short time.
Date published: 2/26/2022Ninda DaiantiFreelance Writer / Instructor
What you will get:
- 20-page
- PDF booklet
- Tips on creating an appealing bio
What you will learn:
- How to sell yourself eith a well-crafted bio
- Guide to make a stand out bio
- Examples of good bio
- Bio templates to use
Rp 25.000Rp 99.000
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