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Afifa Widhiyanthi

Afifa Widhiyanthi

Data Analyst | Mentor | Data Science Indonesia

Profil Mentor

I started as a front-end developer in 2019 and switched to an Analyst in 2022. Beyond my analytical prowess, I discovered my passion for mentoring while serving as a Chairwoman of the Student Organization at the University.

Guided by the belief that everyone can achieve greatness with dedication, I love sharing my knowledge to empower others on their journeys.


Experienced in analyzing business processes, prediction modeling for customers, and creating promotion strategies in face-paced environments. Possesses a double Bachelor of Science (BS.) in Statistics and Computer Science. Currently, I am an Analytics and Insight at Car Rental Company in Indonesia.


Teaching, Organization Volunteer, Video Game, Music


Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Career Shifting, Mock Interview

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